Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving 2020

Vintage Thanksgiving Clipart Courtesy Fanpop

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Grand Old Bart! :)

 Poor Bart Maverick...

Although Bart and Jack Kelly were official stars of Maverick, Brother Bret and James Garner accounted for much of the merchandising and Mavertising during the show's early days.   

For instance, there were Bret Maverick rider and gunfighter figures issued by Hartland Plastics. However, Hartland didn't see fit to issue any Bart figures.  

Or, this clever bit of ephemera ballyhooing Maverick and its sponsor Kaiser Foil:

Designed to resemble paper currency it proclaims, "Bret Maverick--'The Man With The Thousand Dollar Bill'--blazes his way across your TV Screen every Sunday Evening, ABC-TV Network. Don't miss him!"

But, Bret wasn't the only man with a grand on Maverick. Bart had one, too. He even said so:

And, Bret didn't blaze across the TV screen every Sunday evening--sometimes it was Bart. (And, later Beau or Brent.)

Well, I can't do much to remedy the Hartland figure omission, but I did try to fix the faux $1000 bill situation. Ladies and Gentleman, presenting Bart Maverick--The Other Man With The Thousand Dollar Bill:

Don't miss him! And, please don't miss the next TDS, either! :)