Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jack Kelly on TV: Fully Kraeusened?


I found another velvety Jack Kelly voiceover, this time for Heileman's Old Style Beer:

And, if you want to know exactly what "Kraeusening" is, here's the Old Style story.


  1. I don't like beer, but Jack Kelly sure made it sound good!! Love to hear his voice.

  2. Hello again, Janet! I'm a teetotaler, but I love this commercial, too. I only wish JK could have been seen as well as heard.

  3. Me, too, on JK being seen as well as heard, Bartista! :)
    It bothers me, that I probably heard some of his voiceover commercials over and over, BUT I ddn't realize it was his voice!! How could I not make that connection?? Oh well, for whatever reason in my life during that time, I didn't. But, I am glad I can listen to them again, now. :)
    So glad you find these 'treasures' and share them.
