How about a Date with the Maverick brothers? I have one right here. A Date Magazine, that is, from December 1960, with this fantastic full-page foto of Bart and Bret:
Date was a teen magazine published weekly in England starting in 1960. I'd never heard of it until recently. It incorporated the more famous Picturegoer fan magazine.

Date offered advice columns, fashion tips, short stories and features about music, film and TV stars, which is how our boys ended up in its pages. (Maverick was popular across the pond, too!)
The brief story accompanying the photo is titled "Oh Brother, Those Smooth Mavericks", and it explains the off-screen differences between "curly-haired" Oklahoman James Garner and "sleek-haired" New Yorker Jack Kelly. According to the story, those "smooth talking, smooth looking" Mavericks are as different as "bacon and beans" in their private lives.
JG gets most of the text (big surprise), but here's what they had to say about JK:
"Jack Kelly's upbringing was more sophisticated. Born in New York, the son of a top model, he traveled by smart car. He studied hard to be a lawyer, until he decided to be an actor.
"What of life now?...Kelly's spare time is zipped away on a merry-go-round of social life and sport. 'He's a human dynamo. Never happy unless he's doing something,' say his friends in Hollywood."
Well, so much for our Date. Now, hopefully Bret will go eat some bacon and beans, and leave us to ride the social merry-go-round with sleek-haired brother Bart! ;->
To Bart/JK ...
ReplyDelete"Come ride the carousel with me,
enjoy yourself, smile, giggle with glee. Miniature brass band, music is playing,up and down motion gently swaying."