Hello Again!
If you opened a copy of the latest New York Sunday News on this date (November 20) exactly 50 years ago, you would see this story:
If you opened a copy of the latest New York Sunday News on this date (November 20) exactly 50 years ago, you would see this story:

"On ABC-TV, Bart Maverick roams the Wild West in search of a good card game with nary a thought of settling down with a wife in a permanent home. Though he has become identified with Bart, actor Jack Kelly doesn't share his love of a rover's life. Jack likes staying at home with his wife, actress May Wynn.
"Soon after their marriage in 1956, Jack and May moved into a three-room house in North Hollywood. Recently, their collection of paintings became too big for their living space and the couple were forced to move to a larger house in San Fernando Valley, a ranch-style home, naturally."
Here are some glimpses of the Kellys' new digs:
The caption:
"Jack likes the wide
open spaces, windows."
(And yes, May is wearing high heels.)

of the Kellys' new homestead.
Discussion is interrupted by phone call."
(Probably scheduling a tee time? ;->)

I love the caption for this one:
"Pooches eavesdrop as May explains ideas
for decorating kitchen. Jack seems bored."
(Daydreaming about that golf game? ;->)
When were these photos taken? :)