This is one of the more unusual Maverick Kellectibles I've encountered. It's sort of a coloring book, only the drawings are erasable (hence the name "Eras-O-Picture"). Alas, the erasable crayons and crayon sharpener are long gone, as is the clear "magic screen" that made it possible for kiddies to color pictures from "magazines, funnies, or picture books" without actually marking on them.
Luckily, all of the drawings in the book are intact and many of them look like they were never colored in. Naturally, most of the drawings are of Bret Maverick, but there is one drawing of Bart:
When I went to pay for this Kellectible koloring book, the vendor asked if I kollected Maverick memorabilia. I answered "Yes," and then he asked, "Haven't I sold you stuff before?"
I remembered that he'd sold me a picture of Bart a little over a year ago.
"That's right...and I had a puzzle with Bart and Bret on it that I wanted to show you then, but I didn't have it with me. Well, I brought it today. I know I stuck it one of these boxes--let me see if I can find it for you."
The vendor quickly looked through box after box, and at last he came up with this:
It's a "Jr. Jigsaw Puzzle" that's "not too hard--not too easy". And, it's "for boys and girls who want REAL puzzles" (and for fans who want a REAL picture of Bart on the box). ;->
Speaking of pictures, here's a close-up of our boys:
I believe this now completes the jigsaw puzzle portion of my Kellection. :)
As I paid for my purchases, we got to talking about the Hopalong Cassidy and Gene Autry festivals, both of which I attended this year. In fact, he gave me some "inside" info about the 2011 Hoppy fest. I don't know if I should mention the name (I don't know if it's been announced officially), but one of the guests scheduled to appear next year is an actor who co-starred in popular TV westerns which begin with the letter "L". :->
I believe I had this jigsaw puzzle as a very young child, the different background colors bisecting Bart are the murky giveaway to me that it's the same one. Does anyone out there remember Sandra's Maverick Page? Great 1999 Kellycentric website about the series on which I'd bicker with everyone. I first logged onto the talk page on the same afternoon as Peter Bochner and we've become close friends over the following 11 years, meeting occasionally and we just emailed each other today, in fact. If anyone's kept in touch with Sandra, ask her about reviving that site. I'd probably volunteer for that myself.
ReplyDeleteI also never saw the eras-o-book anywhere before and never knew it existed. Fantastic find.
ReplyDeleteI looked at the drawing of Kelly in the Eras-o-Book and I think it was drawn by Dan Siegle, the brilliant artist who drew the Maverick comic books. Siegle met Garner at the very beginning of the shooting, before there were even any publicity photographs, and always drew Garner so photorealistically that you have to see it to believe it. Not so Bart or Beau or Brent, however, they don't look much like their human counterparts, but Garner is nailed exactly and precisely in every panel. Those comics depicting Garner are a wonder to behold. I used to have some and wish I'd held on to them.