Here's Part II of "My Husband, Jack Kelly" by Mae (May) Wynn:
"Having been an actress myself, I knew the tensions, the conceit, the egotism and antagonism that invariably seems to go with the job. Consequently, I was certain of only one thing about my personal future--that I would never marry an actor. But, Kelly's attitude toward his career was so different than anything I had ever experienced before, that it no longer presented a handicap.
We agreed that whoever got a lucky break first would set the pace for the years to come. In short, if my series Noah's Ark had been successful, Kelly would never have accepted the Maverick show. Instead, he would have done features, to enable us to stay together through most of the year. Since my series turned into a flop, and his was successful, I gave up my career altogether.
Kelly is not only different from most actors, he is different from most men.
For one thing, he is a stickler for honesty and correctness, to the extent that it almost becomes an obsession with him.

That's not Kelly's way of thinking at all. I will never forget one of our first dates. Since we were going to some gala affair, I took great pains selecting a beautiful dress for the evening. Since he didn't comment on it when he picked me up at my apartment, I asked him point-blank how he liked it.
'I don't,' he came back, matter-of-factly. Who does he think he is, I thought, putting on an act like this. No person is that frank, especially after he just met a girl.
Kelly is. And once I realized it wasn't an act, I loved it.
Even people who have known him for a long time are still surprised by his correctness and meticulosity.
A couple of weeks ago, a writer who must have done a dozen stories with Kelly called him while we were having dinner. He had but one question to ask Kelly for a symposium story. I think it was about the 'most frightening' experience he ever had.
'I'd like to think about it for a while. Why don't you call me back in the morning?' Kelly suggested.
'All I need is one little anecdote,' the writer persisted. 'If it isn't the most frightening incident, give me any one that comes to you mind. I'm sure it'll be all right.'
'I'd rather think about it and give you the specific information you want...'
'...please, if you don't mind--call me in the morning.'
A bit unhappy at first about the delay, the writer was most appreciative when he got exactly what he wanted.
Mostly I have always been surprised at my husband's lack of gambling ambitions. This runs not only counter to the attitude of most actors who feel their profession consists of nothing but taking chances, but specifically the character he plays on TV, Bart Maverick."
Watch for Part III of "My Husband, Jack Kelly"! :)
Very interesting, Bartista! Love learning more about "Kelly." Thanks...can't wait for part III.
ReplyDelete-Janet T.