A 1965 Chilean TV Guia (TV Guide) recently joined the Kellection, and I discovered that some familiar program titles are a bit different in Spanish. For example, Gunsmoke is La Ley Del Revolver. Bewitched is La Hechizada. The Addams Family is Los Locos Adams. Other titles are a little easier to guess, like El Santo (The Saint), Ruta 66 (Route 66), and Show de Dick Van Dyke (you know).
And, some titles are exactly the same in the TV Guia as they are in the TV Guide, such as Bonanza, Jonny Quest--and Maverick:

This colorful "poster" that's inside the TV Guia shows JK and his lovely co-star Kathleen Crowley in a tender moment (either that, or they're arm wrestling ;>). However, the description for Maverick in the program section mentions only "el actor magnifico James Garner"! (Hey, Linda: you need to get A Maverick Life translated into Spanish, pronto!) :)
I'll work on that translation, La Bartista! ROFL ... & BTW, I think they're arm wrestling--the boy/girl type, y'know. ; >
ReplyDeleteThat Kathleen Crowley was almost too much for the cathode-ray television screen, almost making it explode in a shower of fire and glass. Phenomenally seductive, she played leading lady in at least one episode of practically every network television series that ever existed until she retired, including eight episodes of "Maverick," a series record, featuring 5 with Kelly (including Kelly fan uber-favorite "The Jeweled Gun"), 2 with Garner, and 2 with Moore. (I know that adds up to 9, but in "Maverick Springs," she dealt with both Garner and Kelly.) Missed Colbert entirely, though, that privilege went to Ellen Burstyn.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Robert Colbert, I just saw him dressed as Brent Maverick in the "Meredith Smith" episode of "Bonanza" on youtube, and it convinced me that "Maverick" should've switched to color after Garner's departure and kept Colbert in the cast. He looked more like Garner than ever by '65 and color worked surprisingly well for the character. It would not have been a bad idea for the studio to make a color theatrical version of "Maverick" with Kelly and Colbert, either, especially during that little window when Huggins was in charge of the studio's movies before he moved on, if the timing had lined up, which I think maybe it would've.
By the way, Bartista, you should take on the gargantuan task of figuring out how to upload photographs into Wikipedia (don't look at me[!], I only supply reams of text). The various Maverick sites have finally had some new photos added but there's still not enough shots of Jack Kelly and none of Robert Colbert (I imagine you must have some of the two of them).