Tuesday, July 19, 2016

JK: Last of the Mohicans! :)

Olá! (that's Portuguese for "Hello")

Continuing our jaunt around the wide wide world of Kellectibles, and just ahead of the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, here's a magazine article about Jack Kelly--from Rio de Janeiro! :)

It's from the February 1963 issue of Cinelandia, sort of the Brazilian version of Photoplay. Maverick had already ended its original run in the U.S., but it was apparently still running in Brazil since the text of the article laments that JK is the "last of the Mavericks", though the title of the article actually translates as "The Last of the Mohicans"!

The article has some great photos. Unfortunately, they're dark and grainy. I tried to brighten them as best I could. Anyway, as long as we can see Jack, right? ;) Enjoy!

JK and a visitor to the set
 Another visitor and the text of the article
While getting his hair colored gray for the role of "Uncle Bentley" in the "Pappy" episode of Maverick, JK chats with actress Kay Elhardt, who played Bart Maverick's would-be Mammy! :)

Here, JK confers with William Stuart, who produced eight episodes of Maverick during its final season.

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