Wednesday, July 11, 2018

"Maverick" + "Bonanza"= MeTV! :)


MeTV has posted an article about the 1961 Maverick episode "Three Queens Full", the hilarious send-up of Bonanza starring Jack Kelly:

It even has an animated .gif of JK getting comically cold-cocked by "Moose Wheelwright". Enjoy! :)


  1. Great to see that this website keeps rolling along. This has inexorably become one of the most comprehensive and unique historical repository of Maverick lore and I hope that it will be accessibly archived for future generations. Who knows at this juncture how that sort of thing will play out over time and whether most of what we have will be preserved or simply lost as those who put it together inevitably fade into nursing homes and caskets. The fact that computers keep getting exponentially more powerful, a terrifying thought in most contexts, offers hope regarding this if nothing else.

    1. Michael, I'm always glad to see your comments, especially this one. Thank you!
