Friday, December 23, 2011
Merry Christmas to All From La Bartista & "TDS"! :)
Friday, December 16, 2011
On Guard! :)
Well, it happened again--while on YouTube, I stumbled upon a Jack Kelly performance I hadn't yet seen. It's in A Double Life. Unfortunately, it's not the 1947 feature film starring Ronald Colman. Nope, this is the 1978 pilot film for a short-lived NBC series called Sword of Justice.
The late Dack Rambo stars as "Jack Cole", a "millionaire playboy" who was unjustly imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. But, Cole put his time in the stir to good use. No, he didn't raise birds or earn a law degree. He learned how to become a crook. Not to worry, though: once out of the joint, Cole uses his newfound bad skills for good.
In A Double Life, Cole puts the squeeze on the murderous mastermind (a slightly pre-Dallas Larry Hagman) behind a scheme involving counterfeit wine.
I slogged through 11 segments of A Double Life on YouTube and found the three where JK briefly appears as "Walters", a surly security guard at the winery.
In the first segment, he comes in at about 1:00. As you'll see, he wears a laughably large hat. And, although his character is generally a grouch, JK does get in a funny line near the end of the clip:
In the segment below, JK comes in about 2:23 and yells at one of the winery workers (who is actually Cole's undercover operative):
Finally, JK wraps up his appearance starting at about 4:11:
Since Sword of Justice aired in early 1978 and was produced by Glen Larson, I wonder if perhaps Walters was working undercover, too, and was actually Harry Hammond of the Justice Department who became the boss of the Hardy Boys later that year... ;-)
Friday, December 9, 2011
Viva Maverick! :)
A 1965 Chilean TV Guia (TV Guide) recently joined the Kellection, and I discovered that some familiar program titles are a bit different in Spanish. For example, Gunsmoke is La Ley Del Revolver. Bewitched is La Hechizada. The Addams Family is Los Locos Adams. Other titles are a little easier to guess, like El Santo (The Saint), Ruta 66 (Route 66), and Show de Dick Van Dyke (you know).
And, some titles are exactly the same in the TV Guia as they are in the TV Guide, such as Bonanza, Jonny Quest--and Maverick:

This colorful "poster" that's inside the TV Guia shows JK and his lovely co-star Kathleen Crowley in a tender moment (either that, or they're arm wrestling ;>). However, the description for Maverick in the program section mentions only "el actor magnifico James Garner"! (Hey, Linda: you need to get A Maverick Life translated into Spanish, pronto!) :)
Monday, November 28, 2011
FIRST LOOK: "A Maverick Life: The Jack Kelly Story" :)

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I sure did. And, I am especially thankful because Linda Alexander, author of the newly released biography A Maverick Life: The Jack Kelly Story, graciously permitted me to have an advance peek at the book. Here's my review:
With A Maverick Life: The Jack Kelly Story, author Linda Alexander lassoes the reader's interest and doesn't turn it loose until the very last sentence as she explores the colorful life of Jack Kelly, who played charming brother "Bart" to James Garner's wily "Bret" on the popular Maverick television series.
Ms. Alexander introduces us to the actor, born John Augustus Kelly, Jr., whose theatrical family roots stretched all the way back to Ireland. Kelly's mother Nan was an ambitious model who pushed all but one of her four children into show biz careers. His older sister was Nancy Kelly, who began acting as a child and matured into an acclaimed leading lady. Jack Kelly himself performed as a youngster in films, in radio, and on stage. Following a grown-up stint in the military, he moseyed back into films and then into television.
After headlining on Maverick for five years, Kelly drifted into perennial TV guest stardom, pausing along the way to appear in movies and in summer stock. He even emceed a game show. Kelly also made successful forays into business and politics. He served as city councilman and mayor in Huntington Beach, California--while still accepting occasional acting roles--before his tragic death at age 65 in 1992.
A Maverick Life: The Jack Kelly Story is a brisk read, but it doesn't skimp on detail or on insight into Kelly's life. In addition to thoroughly researching her subject, Ms. Alexander obtained invaluable input from Kelly's family members (including both of his wives and his beloved daughter) along with memories from his fellow thespians such as Sir Roger Moore and James Drury, star of The Virginian.
The author unmasks the complicated human being inside the ebullient entertainer and pulls no punches. For example, many fans have wondered why Jack Kelly's success on Maverick didn't translate into enduring major stardom. Ms. Alexander traces part of the answer to Kelly's predilection to alcohol. She also reveals that the actor's formative family ties kept him bound far into adulthood. He was deeply affected by upheavals in his personal and professional lives and by events such as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Yet, Kelly remained in denial about his own life-threatening health condition until it was too late.
However, A Maverick Life: The Jack Kelly Story is by no means a "downer". The reader also meets the Jack Kelly who was a loving father, a lively practical joker, an accomplished golfer, an expert cook, a talented writer, a dedicated politician, and a man who geniunely loved--and was loved by--some of the most glamorous gals in Hollywood.
And, once and for all, Linda Alexander busts the myth that Jack Kelly was just the "other guy" on Maverick. Ms. Alexander uncovers the behind-the-scenes intrigue and restores Kelly to his proper place in the Maverick equation.
A Maverick Life: The Jack Kelly Story is generously illustrated with rare black and white photos from all phases of Kelly's life and career. Plus, the arresting color portrait on the cover perfectly captures the handsome actor in his most famous role: Bart Maverick.
As Linda Alexander puts it, "Jack Kelly really LIVED". A Maverick Life: The Jack Kelly Story proves that he did, indeed.
If you couldn't tell, I really LOVED this book. I'm sure you'll love it, too. If you haven't already reserved your copy, please visit the BearManor Media website. :)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving From "TDS"! :)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
"Hello Bart! Hello Bret!" :)
I found an unusual version of the Maverick theme song on YouTube. Performed by Johnny Gregory & his orchestra with the Michael Sammes Singers, this 1960 recording includes audio "cameos" from Bart and Bret, and even Dandy Jim Buckley! Plus, there are some mighty nice scenes of our boys in the video. Enjoy! :)
Plus, wonderful news: A Maverick Life is set to be released around the end of this month and is now available for pre-order on the BearManor Media site! :)
Friday, November 4, 2011
G'Day, Maverick! :)
I'm sorry I haven't posted much lately. I experienced a computer upgrade that tangled up some of my files, and then had some internet connection problems.
Thankfully, it looks like things are getting back to normal, so let's take a look at Maverick as it was viewed Down Under--in Australia, that is.

In 1959, the publication pondered the enormous popularity of TV westerns, including Maverick:
"...At times it seems as if every man in America wishes he had a gun and could travel, and every female longs for a man who does.
Why should this be? What is it these western heroes have in common? Why should every man, woman and child in America suddenly be crazy about them?
Obviously a lot of different types of actors can succeed in westerns. The heroes come in all shapes, sizes, looks, and talents. What makes the public love them all must be inherent in the western story itself.
...Is it the costume?
In part it certainly is. If a man has any muscle at all, those tight shirts and trousers show it. More than that, the costumes make a man look older and wiser. Take, for instance, Jack Kelly, who stars as Bret Maverick's TV-brother, Bart.
As Kelly's wife once said: 'When Jack puts on that Maverick outfit he takes on maturity; he looks older. And women want to see a man, not a little boy.
'Jack and the rest of these heroes represent a kind of manhood and mature sex appeal we haven't seen on the screen for a long time. In fact, maybe Hollywood's mistake in the past ten years was trying to make heroes out of kids who looked about 15.'"
"...Is it because woman are sick of too much civilisation and long for the strong silent man of the prairies?
Probably in part. Roy Huggins, a TV producer with considerable experience in westerns, believes that one of things women find attractive is that [the heroes are] lone men pitted against the world.
They ride into town alone at the beginning of the show, fight their battles, charm the women, and ride out alone again.
Viewers who have been watching the TV western from the beginning may remember that in the first few episodes Cheyenne violated this rule; Clint Walker had a sidekick. When Huggins was called in to work on the show, one of the first rules he laid down was that the sidekick had to go.
From Cheyenne Huggins has moved on to Maverick, where he has created quite a different type of hero--also a loner and undomesticated, but in a much lighter vein.
Women viewers surely have the feeling that whereas Cheyenne would protect them, they would have to protect themselves against Maverick. [B27 - ?!]
After dealing with two such different types, Huggins decided the secret of the western's popularity is not so much its hero as its atmosphere.
'The great thing about westerns,' he says, 'is that nobody ever works. You never see anybody building a house or ploughing a field.
'If the hero does want a job, with some vague kind of duties which seem to be mostly riding horses around the ranch and kidding around with the pretty daughter of the family, nobody ever asks him what's his social security number, what union does he belong to, where are his letters of reference.
'This is the American dream of total, carefree mobility. The hero rides into town, gets off his horse, and walks into the saloon--all the men in town seem to spend all day in the saloon--and everybody in the audience says, 'Lord, what a wonderful time to live...''"
Of course, the last original episode of Maverick aired in the US in April 1962. But, the series' final season didn't air in Australia until that autumn. The Australian Women's Weekly noted then:
"One of TV's hardy perennials, the western spoof series Maverick, is currently showing a new-old mix of shows here.
When the series began filming in America about six years ago, Maverick was a western with a lot of difference.
Whimsical and sometimes satirical, it chronicled the adventures of two brothers--Bret (James Garner) and Bart Maverick (Jack Kelly)--in the Old West. But these boys didn't go in for gunplay. They got out of trouble, often poker-provoked , with fast talkin' and not fast drawin'.
They also quoted their old pappy: 'It isn't how you play the game that counts, it's winning.' And, 'If at first you don't succeed, try something else.'
The party went on for two years and then--trouble.
James Garner left the series after bitterly fought legal battles with the studio, Warner Brothers. Jack Kelly carried on, and acquired various other 'relations' (including Roger Moore as Cousin Beau). But, Maverick has just never been the same without that Garner oomph. [B27 - Some fans think it's just fine with the Kelly oomph! ;-)]
Consequently, the show now running in Australia features some new shows (with Kelly) and some reruns (with Garner). "
Incidentally, the TV columnist for The Australian Women's Weekly later noted that "Ben Casey" met "Bart Maverick" when a certain film aired on Australian TV in 1963:
"Two of today's TV stars, Dr. Casey (Vincent Edwards) and Mr. Maverick (Jack Kelly)--were struggling young actors in 1955. Then they both appeared in a thriller called The Night Holds Terror. Jack is the goodie and Vince is the oh-so-baddie and this (fascinating) film will be [network] TCN9's 'Monday Movie' on April 15."
And now, a little birdie has told me that Linda J. Alexander, the author of the eagerly awaited biography A Maverick Life: The Jack Kelly Story, will discuss the book on Saturday, November 5, at 10:00 am ET, on the "On the Grid" internet show. Click here to join in the fun! And, keep watching "TDS" for more info
about this soon-to-be released book! :)
(Clip art courtesy "ClipartOf.com")
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween! :)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Happy Birthday, JK! :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
There's "Snow" One Like JK! :)
Well, it looks like the sultry days of summer may finally be on the way out. I took my dog for a walk this evening and there was definitely an autumnal tinge to the air. Fall will be here in no time at all, which means winter is just around the corner, too! :0
While I'm certainly in no hurry for wintry weather to arrive, I do want to share this, uh, cool pic of Jack Kelly in 1964. It's from the "White Snow, Red Ice" episode of Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theater. JK portrayed private eye "Fred Piper"; the cutie he's cozying up to is Senta Berger. (Read more about this episode here.)

- A birthday salute to you-know-who
- A look at Maverick from Down Under
- And more!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
What About Jack? :)
Oh, the things one can find on YouTube...
You may have noticed a little item in Jack Kelly's filmography called What About Linda? This was an hour-long syndicated TV appeal for the 1961 March of Dimes campaign. It starred an adorable tyke named Linda Breese of Columbus, Ohio.
Its TV Guide listing says: "The March of Dimes sponsors this filmed show which features its 1961 poster child, Linda Breese. Linda gets lost on a Hollywood television set, and we see many stars, including Louis Armstrong, the Kingston Trio, John Raitt, Debbie Reynolds, the Crosby Brothers and Lee Marvin interrupting their acts to look for the little girl. Robert Cummings is host."
No, I didn't find the whole show, but I found the next best thing: the four-minute preview for the show. JK appears briefly, not as Bart Maverick, and not exactly as himself, either. And, he's a riot!
I hope someday his entire appearance can be found. Anyway, JK shows up at about 1:54. But, I suggest you fight the urge to fast-forward there the first time you watch it and just let the preview unreel from the start, because there are many other familiar faces I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing. :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Love and Kisses--And Roses--For Sis! :)

Here's another rare pic of Jack Kelly with his older sister, Nancy Kelly, in 1964. The siblings are having an impromptu family reunion in Chicago. The reason? I'll let the caption explain:
"Nancy Kelly, star of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, which opened at the Studebaker Theatre, was pleasantly surprised by her brother Jack. He flew to Chicago from Los Angeles via American Airlines to open in a new play, Love and Kisses, which will open at the Drury Lane Theatre, March 3. Jack Kelly played Bart Maverick on TV."
Incidentally, JK's stint in the play Love and Kisses led to him being cast in the film version, which was directed and co-written by Ozzie Nelson. JK played the reel-life father of Ozzie's real-life son, Rick Nelson. (Rick's real-life wife, Kristin, played his reel-life wife in the movie.)
And, in November 1964, Nancy Kelly earned the prestigious Sara Siddons award for her performance in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Ms. Kelly was the only person at the time to have won the Sara Siddons award twice. The first time was during the 1955-'56 season for her role in the play The Bad Seed.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Maverick: New, Young and Classic ;->
I just found a couple of interesting videos on YouTube.
The first is a 1979 promo for the ABC-TV film The New Maverick, which originally aired in 1978. It introduced yet another member of the Maverick clan--Cousin Beau's boy, Ben. Jack Kelly appears:
But, I'm not thrilled that they gave him third billing at the end, after that upstart new Maverick. I mean, the announcer could have said, "Starring James Garner, Jack Kelly, and introducing Charles Frank as Ben Maverick". (Just sayin'.)
The second video is the intro for the short-lived 1979 TV series Young Maverick, which starred the aforementioned Mr. Frank as the aforementioned Ben Maverick, only he'd moseyed over to a different network (CBS). Neither JK nor JG appear here, but I do like the way the original Maverick theme and the gambling motif is used:
New Maverick? Young Maverick? No thanks--I'll just stick with the best: classic Maverick. :-)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
"My Husband, Jack Kelly" - Pt. IV
Here's the fourth and final part of "My Husband, Jack Kelly" by Mae (May) Wynn:
"Kelly is a very good and careful driver, who sticks to the speed limit to the letter. Unfortunately, I'm one of those people who gets nervous if anyone but myself drives. And, I show it. His reaction the last time he slammed on his brakes because someone was cutting in front of us and I automatically went through the same motions on my side, was typical.
'Gee whiz, Mae, maybe I better have your brakes fixed.'
As could be expected, Kelly is a stickler for being on time. Not so Mrs. Kelly. I was even late for my wedding.
We were supposed to leave for Arizona at two in the afternoon. About one, Kelly called on the phone. 'Ready to go?'
'I'm not even dressed!' I cried out. 'I've got a million things to do yet...'
'Like what?'
Suddenly, I couldn't think of anything left to be done except pack.
I was just my usual self--late. 'I'll be ready in an hour,' I promised.
I wasn't ready to leave till seven that night! And he didn't get mad at me.
I was even late for our second wedding.
Because we had eloped the first time, we decided to get married again, in a church. The date was November 10, 1956; the time, 1:30; the place, St. Ambrose Catholic Church in Hollywood.
The groom was ready at 1:30 sharp.
I finally managed to get there by 2:45, and believe me, this time I tried to be on time. It just doesn't work. But again, and ever since, Kelly has been most gallant about the whole thing. He never utters a word of complaint.
Kelly is definitely not a typically domesticated male--for which I'd like to take some credit. I don't believe a man who works hard all week long should put on an apron and do the dishes or any other kind of housework when he comes home. Kelly couldn't agree more.
On the other hand, he is such a connoisseur of food that he can taste almost any dish and identify the ingredients. To just what extent was never more apparent to me than when we were in Hong Kong, starring in a picture shortly after we were married.
Chinese food didn't agree with Kelly at all. After he was ill several meals in a row, he went to the kitchen of the Carlton Hotel where we stayed, and showed the chef how to prepare all sorts of delicacies--from cabbage fried potatoes to mushroom sauce with wine! By the time we left, I'm sure the chef knew as much about non-Chinese dishes as the ones he was used to cooking all his life!
Kelly also has excellent taste in clothes--women's clothes. Not long ago we were invited to a formal party in honor of Dimitri Tiomkin. That afternoon I took an old evening gown I was going to wear out of the closet, and hung it on a wardrobe knob.
When Kelly came home he took one look at the dress and decided it was too old. Without letting me know what he was up to, he left the house again, went to an exclusive dress shop on Ventura Boulevard, and returned with a beautiful black and white lace gown--which fit to perfection. Although I still don't know how he managed, it didn't surprise me. By now I'm used to the fact that I married a most unusual man." :)
(From Silver Screen, December 1959)
Well, that wraps up this amazing article, but stay tuned...there's more fun comin' up in TDS:
- Stop and smell the roses with JK and...?
- JK turns up the heat in a cold climate
- And some surprises ;-)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
"My Husband, Jack Kelly" - Pt. III
Here's the third part of "My Husband, Jack Kelly" by Mae (May) Wynn:
"This feeling dates back to an unhappy experience as a boy. He had always wanted a new bicycle of his own, but was unable to save enough out of his allowance to afford one. One day, he told me, he got a bright idea that would solve his problem: get a job in a bicycle shop to earn the money he needed.
Upon Kelly's pleadings, the owner of the store agreed to let him have the shiny two-wheeler after it was only half paid for, but warned him that he might not be able to keep him employed much longer. 'That's all right,' Kelly had said. 'In that case I'll just get myself another job...'
But when it happened, he couldn't find one. And the bicycle had to be returned.
It certainly taught him a lesson. Except for the house and one or two other expenditures which were too high to be paid for in cash, he would never buy anything on time--or let me get anything that way!

they go over their monthly bookkeeping. Poodle seems
unconcerned with such matters." :)
When I say he doesn't like to gamble, I don't mean he stays away from all card games. He enjoys a good game of poker--but he knows the odds and plays accordingly. It is almost like a business venture with him.
Not with me. I always liked to play cards simply for the pleasure I got out of it. And one night I somehow accomplished the impossible--by losing $150 in a nickel and dime game.
After our guests had left, Kelly turned to me disgustedly. 'You played stupidly,' he exclaimed.
'What do you mean?' I shot back.
'You don't know when to quit! You stay in the game with every hand till the last card is played...'
That did it! 'I played poker before I met you. Don't tell me how to play. Besides, I don't care whether I win or lose...!!'
Kelly stared at me disbelievingly. 'In that case, why don't you just give away $150?'
Before I had a chance to answer he had gotten up, walked out of the house, and sat down on the front steps to cool off.
By the time I had a chance to reason things out for myself, I couldn't help agreeing that Kelly was right. So now when we get in a game, I play to win, just as he does.
Incidentally, this was one of the very few times that I have seen my husband lose his temper. Generally, it's next to impossible to even make him mad and, believe me, there are times when I've given him good reasons! Like with my backseat driving."

Sunday, August 7, 2011
"My Husband, Jack Kelly" Part II :)
Here's Part II of "My Husband, Jack Kelly" by Mae (May) Wynn:
"Having been an actress myself, I knew the tensions, the conceit, the egotism and antagonism that invariably seems to go with the job. Consequently, I was certain of only one thing about my personal future--that I would never marry an actor. But, Kelly's attitude toward his career was so different than anything I had ever experienced before, that it no longer presented a handicap.
We agreed that whoever got a lucky break first would set the pace for the years to come. In short, if my series Noah's Ark had been successful, Kelly would never have accepted the Maverick show. Instead, he would have done features, to enable us to stay together through most of the year. Since my series turned into a flop, and his was successful, I gave up my career altogether.
Kelly is not only different from most actors, he is different from most men.
For one thing, he is a stickler for honesty and correctness, to the extent that it almost becomes an obsession with him.

That's not Kelly's way of thinking at all. I will never forget one of our first dates. Since we were going to some gala affair, I took great pains selecting a beautiful dress for the evening. Since he didn't comment on it when he picked me up at my apartment, I asked him point-blank how he liked it.
'I don't,' he came back, matter-of-factly. Who does he think he is, I thought, putting on an act like this. No person is that frank, especially after he just met a girl.
Kelly is. And once I realized it wasn't an act, I loved it.
Even people who have known him for a long time are still surprised by his correctness and meticulosity.
A couple of weeks ago, a writer who must have done a dozen stories with Kelly called him while we were having dinner. He had but one question to ask Kelly for a symposium story. I think it was about the 'most frightening' experience he ever had.
'I'd like to think about it for a while. Why don't you call me back in the morning?' Kelly suggested.
'All I need is one little anecdote,' the writer persisted. 'If it isn't the most frightening incident, give me any one that comes to you mind. I'm sure it'll be all right.'
'I'd rather think about it and give you the specific information you want...'
'...please, if you don't mind--call me in the morning.'
A bit unhappy at first about the delay, the writer was most appreciative when he got exactly what he wanted.
Mostly I have always been surprised at my husband's lack of gambling ambitions. This runs not only counter to the attitude of most actors who feel their profession consists of nothing but taking chances, but specifically the character he plays on TV, Bart Maverick."
Watch for Part III of "My Husband, Jack Kelly"! :)
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Top of the Mornin' To You! :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011
"A Most Unusual Guy" :) Part I
by Mae* Wynn Kelly
(*that's how they spelled it throughout the story)
'A most unusual guy' is the way Mae describes the man she eloped with three years ago--and then married again.
How should I have known my husband didn't like to be called 'Kelly'! That's what I called him from the time we first met. I don't know why. He just looked liked Kelly to me.
His true feelings came to light about a year after we were introduced, when a fellow walked over, slapped him on the back, and shouted, 'What's new, Kelly?'
He turned around and snapped back, 'The name's Jack!'
'Sorry', the other fellow apologized. 'Didn't mean any harm.'
When we were alone again, I turned to him in surprise. 'Does it really bother you being called Kelly?'
'Not the way you say it,' he insisted.
'Then you won't mind if I keep calling you Kelly?'
'I insist you do,' he smiled.
Caption: "Gun holster he wears as Bart Maverick is exhibited by Jack. The only person he allows to call him 'Kelly' is his wife, Mae"
But that was about the only peculiarity I discovered in my husband during the six years we've know one another and the three years since we eloped to Quartzsite, Arizona, back in October of 1956. He is the best adjusted human being I have ever met, without neuroses, complexes or even a tendency to worry about the one subject every actor is concerned about--his career.
One day a friend commented on the many TV stars who seem unhappy with their series, about being typecast, about wanting more money. When he was through he turned to Kelly. With more than curiosity in his voice, he wanted to know why Kelly never complained about anything.
'I do the best job I can and leave the rest to the studio,' Kelly grinned. 'Complaining and worrying never gave anyone anything but ulcers.'
Without this type of reasoning on his part, I wouldn't be Mrs. Jack Kelly today..."

Complaining and worrying never gave anyone
anything but an ulcer,'
is his easy philosophy."
Friday, July 29, 2011
Hotter Than July! :)
Like most everyone else in the US, we've been hit pretty hard lately by the heat. In fact, the Bartistamobile is equipped with a handy-dandy thermometer that measures the outdoor temperature. Here's what it read the other evening (the temp is in the upper right corner):

The inscription reads: "To John - Best for your happiness!! Jack Kelly"
Now, I don't know about "John", but I know I'm pretty happy, just looking at this pic! ;-)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
A Wire From Mr. Kelly :)
First, a very warm "Welcome" to our newest follower. That makes a lucky seven now. :)
A very special JK artifact was recently delivered into the Kellection:

WKRC saw its share of celebrities, too. Soupy Sales and Rod Serling made early career stops there. And, Nick Clooney, father of actor George Clooney and brother of singer Rosemary Clooney, worked at the station throughout the 1970's as news director, news anchor and on-air personality.
JK's telegram reads, "My Pappy always said, 'You'll be in clover when you switch to WKRC'. Little did he know it would be the four-leaf variety. -- JACK KELLY"
JK wired good-luck wishes to Ms. Rogers presumably because WKRC, which had been the CBS affilliate in Cincinnati, made a big switch in 1961 to ABC--the network of Maverick. (It has since switched back to CBS.)
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Maverick Dudes in Duds! :)
The following is:
- well, stupendously and amazingly cool
- has fantastic photos of Jack Kelly
- and the rest of the posting is so spot-on (especially the part about JK not getting recognition)
--that I'll forgive the ridiculous remark about Bart Maverick being "like a lesser version of Bret":
http://stupendouslyamazinglycoololdtv.blogspot.com/2011/06/clothes-make-man-maverick.htmlSaturday, July 2, 2011
Good Mornin' Everyone! :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Run to JK! :)
Okay, so it's not the whole episode, but here's a sizzling scene from "Baby the World's On Fire" (from the series Run For Your Life).
Watch as silver-tongued JK tries to convince Suzanne Pleshette that his dirty dealings are justified because the bomb might drop at any moment:
And, don't forget to click here for more great shots of JK in "Baby the World's on Fire"!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Jack Kelly: It's the First Day of Summer...

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Jack Kelly: Happy Father's Day! :)
Monday, June 6, 2011
Jack Kelly: JK "Sallys" Forth! :)
Now, here's a true JK rarity:

It's a still promoting an episode of Sally, a long-forgotten NBC sitcom starring perky Joan Caulfield. Ms. Caulfield, pictured center, played "Sally Truesdale", a young former salesgirl who served as traveling companion to wealthy widow "Myrtle Banford" (played by Marion Lorne, later of Bewitched fame). At least, that's what Sally did when the short-lived series started. In later episodes, she and Mrs. Banford helped run a department store after returning to the States.
This pre-Bart Maverick guest appearance doesn't appear in JK's Internet Movie Database filmography, so I don't know his character's name. The name of the episode isn't even listed in the IMDb's entry for Sally. However, the caption for the still gives us an idea of what the episode was about and reveals when it aired:"You can't blame Jack Kelly (L) or John Compton for their romantic interest in Joan Caulfield as a shipboard triangle brings amusing results on the Sunday, September 22 [1957] Sally show which will be seen at 7:30 pm, NYT, over NBC-TV. Sally stars Joan Caulfield in the title role and features Marion Lorne."
Note the timeslot: poor Sally was scheduled opposite Jack Benny's popular CBS show, and, oh, another little program that had just moseyed onto ABC: Maverick!
Anyway, Ms. Caulfield sure was lucky to get a pick-me-up from JK. But, I get a pick-me-up every time I look at him. ;-)
(Never fear, bloodhound Bartista is on the case and will try to find out more about this mysterious missing piece of the JK acting puzzle. :-).
UPDATE! (6/10/11): I found a 1957 issue of TV Guide with the credit info for JK's episode of Sally, which is titled "Sally Tries to Say 'No'". JK's character is named "Tony Rhodes". The plot: "Now traveling aboard a luxury liner, Sally and Mrs. Myrtle Banford meet a handsome young man. At first Sally dislikes him, but as the cruise progresses, she finds herself liking him more and more." (If it's JK, how could she not like him?)I also submitted the info to IMDb, so now this role will be in their credit list for JK. :-)
UPDATE! (8/27/19) - Here's a newspaper blurb announcing JK's casting in Sally (Back of Beyond is the original title of Taming Sutton's Gal):
Monday, May 30, 2011
Jack Kelly: Remembering All Who Served

In honor of Memorial Day, here's a still of Jack Kelly in To Hell and Back, the big-screen biography of Audie Murphy. Murphy, the most-decorated US combat soldier during World War II, played himself in the film.
The caption for the photo says: "TYPE CAST - Irish Jack Kelly portrays an Irish doughboy named 'Kerrigan' in To Hell and Back, Universal-International's great war drama starring Audie Murphy in the Technicolor CinemaScope filmization of Murphy's own best-selling biography, chronicling the emotion-packed story of the heroic Texas youth who became the most-decorated soldier of World War II."
In real-life, JK served his country in the Air Force.
Clip art copyrighted by Bobbie Peachey- http://www.webclipart.about.com/
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Jack Kelly: Howdy, Sis! :)
At last, I have a photo of Jack Kelly with his sister, actress Nancy Kelly, to share with you:

As you can see, there is definitely a family resemblance, especially around the eyes.
The caption on this photo (which is stamped 10/17/1955) reads: "Nancy Kelly, who plays one of the leading roles in Warner Bros' production, The Bad Seed, is met at the airport by her brother, Jack Kelly, upon her arrival from New York. Jack is the leading man of Warner Bros' television series, Kings Row for ABC-TV".
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Jack Kelly: Hoppin' Along With Bart Maverick 2011, Pt II
Continuing with my visit to the Hopalong Cassidy Festival...
After paying the admission fee, I entered the dealers room, where mountains of western memorabilia were for sale. I didn't see much Maverick merchandise this year, though. In fact, the only thing I ended up buying in the dealers room was a commemorative mug with lovely color portraits of William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy and Boyd's widow, Grace Bradley. Ms. Bradley passed away in 2010 at the age of 97, and this year's Festival was dedicated to her memory.
Of course, the big attraction at the Festival is the guest stars, who were seated at tables on the far end of the room. I didn't arrive at the Civic Center until after 3:00 pm, so I missed seeing "Grizzly Adams" (Dan Haggerty). And, Beckey Burgoyne, the author of a biography about actress Amanda Blake titled Perfectly Amanda - 'Gunsmoke''s Miss Kitty - To Dodge and Beyond, wasn't able to be there until the next day, Saturday.
But, I did get a glimpse of Julie Ream, who wrote the introduction to Ms. Burgoyne's book, and who has some amazing connections to Hollywood western history. And, seated next to Ms. Ream was Jeff Connors, the son of Chuck Connors, TV's legendary Rifleman. Mr. Connors brought along the rifle his father used on the show.
At the next table sat Chuck Connors' other 'son', actor/singer/musician Johnny Crawford. The little boy who played "Mark McCain" is now a mature man, and he still charms the female fans. I heard one lady whisper breathlessly into her cell phone, "I shook hands with Johnny Crawford!"
I didn't get that close to him, however. There were lots of people hovering around the tables, and I think I've finally learned the secret to these things. You can't just stand off to the side, pretending to seriously consider whether or not to buy the LP Festus Sings and Talks About Dodge City! (okay, I like to hear Festus sing and talk, but not for $50), while waiting for a lull in the crowd. There is never a lull in the crowd, so if you want to talk to one of the guest stars, you have to be bold about it. You're just going to have to hover around them like everyone else. Then, after the guy finishes telling the story about meeting the Rifleman at the state fair, or the lady finishes shaking Johnny Crawford's hand, you can say "Howdy" to him, too.
It never fails that when there are a couple of events I want to attend, they're usually scheduled at the same time. I had another commitment all day on Saturday, and I couldn't stay for the Friday night or Saturday festivities at the Hopalong Cassidy Festival. So, I bid the Festival "Adios" and happily drove home with my mug and my autographed portrait of JK.
Coming soon in TDS: JK putters around! :)
Monday, May 23, 2011
Jack Kelly: Hoppin' Along With Bart Maverick 2011! :)
Before I start, I just wanted to say "Welcome" to our newest follower, and to say "Thanks" for all the cool comments and kind words for this blog.
Now, finally, I have a moment to tell you about my recent visit to the "Hopalong Cassidy Festival" in Cambridge, OH. This is the same western festival I visited last year. However, this year, instead of unseasonal heat and sunny skies, the temperature was about 20 degrees cooler and gray clouds continually threatened rain. And, instead of zooming down the freeway to Cambridge, I decided to meander down historic Route 40.
It's a good thing I did, too, or I would have missed this:

There was no "sign" of Bart or Bret at this car lot, unfortunately! ;-)
After I blogged about my visit to last year's Hoppy Fest, I received an e-mail chiding me for not visiting the 10th Street Antiques Mall, which also houses the Hopalong Cassidy Museum in Cambridge. So, I wanted to make sure it was on the itinerary this year. First, I had to find it. I stopped for lunch at a burger place and asked the cashier if she could direct me to the antiques mall.
"Sure! Just go back out on the main road here and turn left at the post office," she helpfully replied.
After finishing my burger, I set out for the antiques mall. Okay, drive back out this way, and turn left at the post office.
Oops! Apparently, the kindly cashier wasn't aware that you can't turn left at the post office, or at least, I couldn't that day. The street was closed due to road construction. (In fact, it seemed like most of downtown Cambridge was under construction.) But, luckily, I was able to turn down a side street to reach the antiques mall.

What first caught my eye was a photo on the wall, right inside the front door. I instantly knew I had to have it. First, though, I made a quick circuit around the rooms, looking for anything else of interest. Quite a few other fans were on the hunt, as well. Honestly, I could have spent the entire afternoon immersed in memorabilia. But, I was eager to purchase my pic and visit the rest of the fest.
As I'm somewhat vertically challenged, I asked a tall gentleman if he could reach the pic and hand it down to me. He gladly obliged, and I paid for my prized purchase:

With carefully-wrapped portrait in hand, it was now time to travel to the Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center, where the main festivities of the festival were taking place. This year, they didn't stamp my hand after I paid the admission fee. They handed me a little Hopalong Cassidy fan club card (dated 2004) instead.
More about the Hoppy Fest next time! :-)
UPDATE: It's a good thing I bought the autographed JK portrait when I did. The Hopalong Cassidy Festival was held for the final time in 2015, and the Hoppy museum/antique mall was destroyed by fire in 2016... :(
Friday, May 13, 2011
May Wynn Gives Jack Kelly the Boot!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Jack Kelly: Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Jack Kelly: Hoppin' Down the Kelly Trail! :)

Howdy Everyone!
As you know, I'm always scouting for Kellectibles. Yesterday (May 6), my kwest took me to a well-known western destination. Only, it was in the East!
Find out more about my travels and my fabulous Jack Kelly find in the next TDS.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Jack Kelly: Happy Easter! :)
Friday, April 8, 2011
Jack Kelly: The Dreaded Ruffled Shirt, or, Look What Else I Found! :)
Jack Kelly seems to be popping up all over YouTube lately. Here he is in "Enemies and Brothers", the second of two episodes of Laredo in which he appeared. His nom de pistolet may be "Bart" in this episode, but JK's not a good-guy gambler here. He's a no-good outlaw. JK is so good at playing bad, however, that he's still worth watching even as a baddie. Even in that shirt...
Speaking of shirts, the good guys are decked out in some of the most outlandish duds I've ever seen in a western. And, what's up with that jazzy score? And, that Texas Ranger with the mysterious European accent?
I'll ponder these questions some other time. Right now, here's "Enemies and Brothers":
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Jack Kelly: Bart, Bret, and...Boone? :)
Here's a pic of Bart and Bret. But, who's that tenderfoot in the middle with the white bucks? Another long-lost Maverick cousin?
Zoom out a little, and we can see, of course, that it's really Pat Boone, playing host to ABC's "top guns" (there's that phrase again!) Can you name the other Warner Bros. western stars shown here?
Jack Kelly: That Tall Dark Stranger Strikes Again! :)

Monday, March 28, 2011
Jack Kelly: Look What I Found! :)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Jack Kelly: Happy Birthday Nancy Kelly

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Jack Kelly: Kings Row - The Rest of the Story Pt. II
I'm sorry for not posting Part II of the Kings Row photo feature sooner. I've been having some problems with my router. It appears the router problems have been routed for the time being, so let's go on with the show:

The natty gentlemen pictured above are
"Doctors Mitchell (L, Jack Kelly) and Tower (Victor Jory)" who
are enjoying "a light moment in the mail order romance
between a lonely small-town widower and a scheming young
woman in the Kings Row story to be presented on Warner Brothers Presents, Tuesday, November 15 (1955), 7:30 p.m., EST, over ABC-TV." JK in a tense scene from "Lady in Fear".
Dr. Mitchell appears puzzled by the unusual present a
young couple receives in "Wedding Gift". That's Dennis Hopper
as "Tod" and Natalie Wood as "Renee". This is dialogue for the scene shown above,
from the actual script of "Wedding Gift".
Stay tuned for a birthday tribute to another talented member of the Kelly family.